"At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Its been such a long long time since i updated my blog..

These few daes was quite fun as i went out with Hafiz, WK, syakir and his cousin farhan?.. Looking around singapore for the best location for a MV we're making this week.. Yesterdae we met up with the indonesian Andi to start filming.. He's quite a nice guy though his accent's pretty strong.. He says ours is also very strong.. =D

Anyway yesterdae we had several takes at clarke quay.. with hafiz venting his anger on the friggin reflector as andi didn't know what hafiz was saying.. XDD It was the first time that we ever collaborated with youtubers from other countries.. maybe next time we will have youtubers from america? europe? russia? maybe even from the north or south pole! =DD

Um.. todae i sorta skipped the production cos my mum wouldn't let me out cos no money.... Hopefully tomorrow i can if i fork out some of my money.. T_T

I've seen many beautiful girls while we're out on the streets.. when we see these girls we will tell each other.. Panas!! then NOT so beautiful girls we will say.. Long kang.. =DD  some of them are really pretty.. but sadly.. They are see no touch.. can see, cannot touch.. T_T


To me you're more than just a crush.
To me you're more than someone i love.
To me you're a paragon.

A perfect ideal person.
To others you might not be.
But to me.
You're definitely.


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