"At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet."

Friday, September 10, 2010

Face the demons... Stare them down.. bite the bullet...

A quote from somebody.. His Dad and GrandDad both died in Papua New Guinea (I think) both from plane related accidents.. His Dad died on a Passenger plane..His GrandDad died during WW2 when he crashed his plane.. He was a reporter and had to report on a plane crash with no survivors in that place.. On a helicopter.. How many times have i repeated something related to flying? =D Anyway.. he was really scared cos he thinks that place is jinxed for his family.. But he did anyway and he faced his own demons.. Stared them down.. Bit the bullet.. And apparently he's still alive and kicking.. =)

Well.. I forgot to wish all Muslim friends.. Selamat Hari Raya Adilfiltri.. did i spell that right? Anyway.. also.. Maaf Zahir Batin!.. I also need to beg for forgiveness for drinking water in class... =D

Well.. The Quran burning pastor is having second thoughts with the numerous protests in the world.. Serve him right.. One should never deny another of their religious rights for One have sinned by Greed, Pride and Wrath.. Greed for total monopoly over Religion.. Pride for being proud to the point that others don't stand in their eyes.. Wrath for sworing revenge on the September 11 attacks.. Though people have done wrong.. Its wrong to blame others just because they are the same.. Its like my friend stole something and got away with it while i get scolded when i didn't steal anything.. This world is F***ed up man.. >_<

Today's another poem.. This time.. I think it would be about.. Perseverance...

Onward and Persevere!

Have you ever felt..
That the world is crashing down upon you?
Have you ever felt..
That the homework intentionally flew..
Just to make you angry?
Have you ever thought.. 
Of giving up.. 
Cos the going is too tough?

If you ever thought so..
Then you are strong..
For you thought..
You felt..

But did you ever give up? 
If you did..
You would be high up in the clouds of Heaven..
Or down below in the bowels of Hell...
For you would have thrown yourself off that bridge...

But you are still here.. 
In this sickening,
annoying world.. 
Reading this post..

As one man said before..
"Face your demons, Stare them down"
As our Head Councillor had said before.
"Onward and Persevere."

Though to you... Its plain Heresay..
You truly did.. If you ever did..
Nothing is Truly.. Ever.. Impossible..


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