"At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet."

Monday, September 27, 2010

Let my woes be my own.. Let your beauty be your own..

A famous chinese song.. About a guy who likes a girl.. They were couples.. until they were seperated.. My case is different.. Its more like.. Let my woes be my own.. and let your woes be your own too.. I cant share her woes.. Im too distant and too far away.. But im on a boat.. I can row closer and closer.. MY life is like an epic novel.. Ups and downs and so many turns...


Let my woes be mine own..
and let your beauty be yours.
This can never be true..
But gladly.. 
This is not so true..

My life was shaped by you..
My character was molded by you..
You showed me what it means.
To be cheerful..
To be happy..
To be expressive..

You showed me.. A way to write my story..
A way to write an epic.. 

Will you let me write your story with yours? 
Project Smile..Thnx man.. You helped me make the smile.. ={D

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